Auburn Friends
Auburn Friends
He Spoke
A free verse poem by William Haddad inspired by Simon Peter's response to Jesus, "Lord, to whom shall we go? You have the words of eternal life." (John 6:68)
October 26, 2020
He did not use sophisticated words;
He spoke simple words that were profound.
He did not have to persuade the disciples;
He spoke, and they followed Him.
He did not perform on a stage in front of a cheering crowd;
He spoke, and the multitude gathered around Him.
He did not rage against the demons which possessed the people;
He spoke, and the demons fled.
The storm, that had his disciples in hysterics, did not disturb Him;
He spoke, and the winds and the waves obeyed.
He did not weep for the state of Lazarus, but for the state of the people;
He spoke, and Lazarus was raised from the dead.
He did not fight those who sought to stone the convicted woman;
He spoke, and they all drifted away.
When the thief on the cross confessed his sin, He did not condemn him;
He spoke, and the thief gained eternal life.
He did not use sophisticated words, because He is the Word.
And John chapter 1 tells us that, since the beginning, the Word was with God and the Word was God.
He did not need any materials to create the world;
He spoke, and, through Him, all things were made.
And the Word became flesh and dwelt among us.
He did not need a ceremonial baptism,
He spoke, and the crowd witnessed the glory of the Trinity.
He did not perform miracles to entertain, but to demonstrate His power to forgive sins,
He spoke, and the sick were healed.
He did not debate the Pharisees on their questions of morality;
He spoke, and they began plotting how to murder Him.
He did not get defeated on the cross, He defeated death;
He spoke, and it was finished.
Today, we have the Word of God in our hands, and we wonder why we do not hear Him,
He speaks, to every heart that searches earnestly for the Truth.
The gospel message is simple, but its implications are profound. You do not need sophisticated words.
Anyone who comes to Him in repentance, He will not turn away,
He speaks, and sinners are forgiven,
He speaks, and the lost are redeemed,
He speaks, and the dead are made alive in Him.
And we follow the example He left for us when He walked this earth.
He did not use sophisticated words, because He has the words of eternal life.
He simply spoke.